Friday, January 4, 2013

LIEBSTER AWARD: Was Nominated~

Holy Crap!!
Thank you so much, IBDFM for nominating me and my lame blog for the "Liebster Award".
I honestly would never think I would be nominated, so it really means a lot to me, so thank you so much!!
I love you so much!!!

The Liebster Award is given to new and upcoming bloggers with less than 200 followers for recognition of their work. This is also a way to help promote and support other new bloggers as well.
"So here are the rules for the "Liebster Award"
 ~The nominees must link back to the blogger who awarded them
~If you are nominated, write "11 Random Facts" about yourself and answer the 11 questions the tagger wrote for you.
~Make up 11 new questions to be answered and nominate 11 other bloggers.

"11 Random Facts About Me"
1. I currently have a sort of boyfriend, by the name of Jacob.
2. I can sleep more than 12+ hours.
3. I've never had alligator tails soup, like my sister did in Louisiana.
4. I have five sisters and one brother.
5. I love cats more than dogs.
6. I'm a night person, so you call me a vampire.
7. I had an eyebrow piercing, but I'm planning to get more soon.
8. I am a proud bisexual.
9. I only have one true best friend and her name is Cookie.
10. I don't like to party, but I'm fun to be around with.
11. I hate spiders!!

"11 Questions From IBDFM"
1. Whats your middle name?
~Sadly, I don't have one :/
2. How long have you been blogging for?
~About three months
3. What started you blogging?
~To be honest, it was during the summer and I had nothing better to do.
4. What are your resolutions for this year?
~I made a blog entry of this: CLICK HERE
5. Where do you see yourself in 5 years?
~In New York working for a cosmetic brand OR cosplaying in Japan
6. Have you ever broken a bone?
~Nope, and I would like to keep it that way xD
7. What was your favorite gift you got for Christmas?
~My feather/hair extension
8. What would be your dream job?
~Cosmetologist, Makeup Artist, and Computer Animator
9. What is your most used beauty product?
~Rimmel Exaggerate Eyeliner and ELF Eyeshadow Palette
10. If you could travel anywhere in the world, where would you go?
~Japan, England, Italy, Finland, and Canada
11. What are your hobbies?
~Drawing, Makeup, Watching anime, and Sleep

"I'm Nominated":
(I know I'm suppose to nominate 11, but I can only find 6 of them U.U)
1. Venus - Venusocean 
2. Sini - Queen's Chessman
3. Momo - Momo's Moment
5. Estella - Estella Maris's Blog
6. Chuy - Chuy Yang

"My 11 Questions For You"
1. Hobbies?
2. What country are you from?
3. What's your particular style?
4. Any tattoos or piercing? If so, how many?
5. What country would you love to visit?
6. What's the most difficult things you had to go thru in your past life?
7. Any pets?
8. Why start a blog?
9. What's your favorite clothing brand?
10. What's your favorite music artist?
11. which do you prefer, vanilla or chocolate?

Thank you so much, IBDFM, for nomiating me for the "Liebster Award" 
And who those who I tagged, good luck on those questions and congratulations.
Until next time!!

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